On Sunday, January 24, 2021, the BESA Association held a webinar activity for the Qur’an Love Movement with the theme “Al-Qur’an as a Millennial Spirit in Era 4.0” as a series of events that became the culmination of the activities of the Qur’an Love Movement. This activity took place through virtual face-to-face via zoom meeting which was attended by Business Education Students or students from various universities in Indonesia. The event was opened by the Student Adviser of the FPEB UPI Business Education Study Program, Mr. Masharyono, AP., S.Pd., MM.

Prior to the GCQ webinar, there were a series of competitions held online with various types of competitions at the national level including Arabic Calligraphy, Adhan, Sermons and Quran Recitations. The target participants for this competition are active PTN/PTS students, as well as the general public throughout Indonesia with an age range of 16-24 years.

The purpose of carrying out these activities is to educate the younger generation to have Quranic character with an orientation to the Qur’an and As-Sunnah. Making the younger generation who have a serious spirit to become Jama’at Al-Muslimin, Thaifah Al-Man Shurah and Firqatu An-Najiah according to the corridor of Rasulullah SAW and his companions. Strengthen brotherhood among Muslims and foster social values. Developing the potential of the millennial generation to further develop religious knowledge.

Ustad Wiladan also said that if we have a dream then be close to the Al-Quran and read it seriously then pray to Allah SWT to tell us what we want. When we are close to the Koran, God willing, it will be a lamp in this life.

This activity is the closing activity of GCQ activities including presenting a resource person who is relevant to GCQ activities, namely Ust. Wildan Nugraha, he is a motivational writer, he is also the Founder of Quranic Motivation, which is a motivational, Al-Qur’an inspiration program based on Islamic Self Development. In addition, at the end of the webinar there was an announcement of the winners of the GCQ activity competition, the winners consisted of 8 people from 4 types of competitions. Each type of competition has 2 winners, namely 1st and 2nd place. The winners of the GCQ competition include:

  1. Recitation Contest

1st Place: Fauzan Nasrullah (UNAD)

2nd Place: Anggraini (UNIMED)

  1. Adhan Contest

1st Place : Razan Zhafran Ali Basya (Rumah Quran Tartiila)

2nd Plance: Ujang Suhendar (Ma’had Al-Jami’ah UIN SMH Banten)

  1. Calligraphy Competition

1st Place : Muhammad Fannil (Universitas Negeri Malang)

2nd Place: Mochamad Navik Mubarok (Universitas Negeri Malang)

  1. Indonesian Sermon Contest

1st Place : Salman Al Farizi (UPI)

2nd Place : Siti Maesaroh (SMA Ibnu Hajar)

It is hoped that similar activities in the following year can be more interesting and of course have new innovations in carrying out these events.

(by: MH and Ayu Nurfadilah MB 19)