Starting the Even Semester of 2020/2021 Academic Year, Business Education Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business Education, University of Education held an Introduction to Business Public Lecture with the theme “”Digital Transformation as a Solution for Business Survival”. The public lecture was opened by the Dean of FPEB UPI, Prof. Dr. H. Eeng Ahman, MS was attended by Lecturers who teach courses as well as invitees and students with a total of 619 participants. After the remarks, it was continued by the introduction of the lecturer in Business Introduction courses in 7 Study Programs by the Head of the Business Education Study Program, Dr. Puspo Dewi Dirgantari, S.Pd., MT., MM in FPEB include:
The public lecture speaker was delivered by Prof. Dr. Hj. Ratih Hurriyati, MP, one of the best professors and lecturers of the FPEB UPI Business Education Study Program with various achievements. One of them said that at this time various kinds of human needs have widely applied the support of the internet and the digital world as a vehicle for interaction and transactions. There are 10 Strategic technology Trends.
- multi-experience. Until 2028, people’s experiences will experience significant changes in the way users perceive the digital world and the way they interact with it. virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality are changing the way people perceive the digital world.
- democratizion, focused on providing people with access to technical expertise or business domain expertise through a radically simplified experience and without requiring extensive and expensive training.
- Human augmentation, exploring how technology can be used to provide cognitive and physical enhancement as an integral part of the human experience. physical augmentation, enhancing human abilities by altering their innate physical abilities by implanting or hosting technological elements in their bodies.
- transparency & tracecability, consumers are increasingly aware that their personal information is valuable and demands control. Transparency is an essential element to support this digital ethic and privacy need.
- the empowered edge, edge computing is a computing topology where information processing and content collection and delivery are located closer to the source
- Practical block chains, have the potential to turn the industry upside down by enabling trust, providing transparency, and enabling value exchange across the business ecosystem, potentially lowering crocodiles, reducing transaction completion times, and increasing cash flow.
- al security, this creates significant new challenges for security teams and risk leader
Evidence of current world economic activities that have implemented 4.0 in various fields
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