The Faculty of Economics and Business Education in order to increase lecturers’ scientific publications and synergize with the aim of the University holding a Research Rod Map Preparation Activity and Fund Grant Proposal of the Indonesian Education University in 2020 was attended by 37 lecturers from seven study programs within FPEB including Business Education starting at 08.30 – 15.30 wib, Economic Education, Accounting Education, Office Education, Management, Accounting, and Islamic Economics and Finance. The Business Education Study Program was represented by Masharyono, AP., S.Pd., M.M.; Lisnawati, S.Pd., M.M; Yusuf Murtadlo, S.Si., M.Stat., and Sulastri, S.Pd.,M.Stat.,M.M. The activity was opened by the vice dean for academics, Prof. Dr. H. Eeng Ahman, MS.
Speakers of coaching activities, Dr. H, Amir Machmud, M.Si he explained that the main thing in the first proposal login is to fill in the Rod Map first, because if you don’t fill it out then the next process cannot be continued. Furthermore, he explained that the Rod Map is at least 5 years old and later the ending must be able to become the expertise of the lecturers so that it is mapped from the beginning.
This activity is expected to encourage lecturers in the FPEB UPI environment to be more productive and produce proposals and outputs that can be utilized by the community. (by Masharyono)
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