Wednesday, February 3, 2021, the Faculty of Economics and Business Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia held an e-learning work shop as a form of optimizing SPOT as one of the LMS in the 2020/2021 even semester lectures. The activity was opened by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Vanessa Gaffar, SE., Ak., MBA. Lecturers of the Business Education Study Program were also present in this activity in an effort to increase literacy in the use of SPOT and SPADA as well as to improve teaching and learning activities services.

The presentation was conducted by the Director of STI UPI, Dr. Cepi Ryana, M.Pd by explaining aspects of the Integrated Online Learning System (SPOT) and SPADA.

There is a change in the appearance of the SPOT which makes it easier for lecturers to do online learning, including supporting facilities for google meet and discussions so that during this pandemic, lecturers can find out which students are active and inactive in lectures. On the other hand, in filling out the Semester Learning Plan (RPS) if the courses are the same and there are two classes, it can be taken from the repository so that the lecturer does not need to re-enter.
