FPEB UPI’s efforts in attracting students who have more abilities in the academic and non-academic fields held a selection of outstanding students at the faculty level with the theme “Prove it if you are the best”. Prior to the selection of candidates from seven study programs within FPEB, 41 people were given briefing with outstanding and competent presenters in their fields, including:
- Ana, M.Pd., material for the presidential map
- H. Adib Sultan, M.T., motivational material
- Vanessa Gaffar, M.B.A., presentation skill material
- Hj. Aas Nuraisyah, M.Sc., material for scientific work
- Rini Intansari Mellani, M.Pd. English skill material
Next is the selection of phase I from each study program on February 18, 2020 and Phase II February 28, 2020 Selection and presentation of papers from the candidates as well as the announcement of student achievement at the faculty level for 2020 which will be held in the new FPEB building, floors V, rooms 7 and 8. Candidates Achievement students from the Business Education study program were represented by the 2017 and 2019 batches, namely Winsa Dwi Utami (1703710) GPA 3.68, Lustia Laela Nurhasanah (1705908) GPA 3.73, Rayna Fiona Fridashania (1801177) GPA 3.66, Andrea Octavianti Hariyanto (1801177) GPA 3.58, Ghania Wardani Luthfiyyah (1901444) GPA 3.70 and Ihda Farhatun Nisak (1905855) GPA 3.70. Of the six candidates, two representatives from each study program will compete for outstanding student candidates at the faculty level and if selected at the same time will represent the faculty to be submitted to the university level.
This activity will encourage FPEB students in general and specifically for candidates who will compete for The Best of the Best to continue to excel and improve their soft skills as a provision to enter the community in the future as well as an addition to the student portfolio in the Certificate of Companion Ijzah (SKPI). (by Masharyono)
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