After carrying out the implementation of new Student Admissions for the SNMPTN, SBMPTN and SM pathways which were held on May 30, 2020 and August 30, 2020, the association of the Business Education Study Program, namely BESA, resumed the work program to the next section, namely the implementation of the bexp or regeneration flow. In its implementation, this bexp has several stages or flows including the Academic Ceremony (AC), Exploration Business (XB), Exploration Organization (XO), Exploration Yourself (XU) and finally Initiation Day (ID). And we have run a bexp in the first stage, namely the Academic Ceremony which was held on September 5, 2020 which was conducted online through the Zoom meeting room media, because the conditions were not yet possible to do it offline (outside the network).
Although the preparation for this activity was quite short, the Academic Ceremony activity went quite well, according to the rundown of the event that had been made. This Academic Ceremony was opened by the dean of FPEB Prof. Dr. H Eeng Ahman M.Si, attended by 170 participants including Prof. Dr. H Eeng Ahman M.Si, the head of the Business Education Study Program, namely Dr. Puspo Dewi Dirgantari, S.Pd M.T., M,M., lecturers of the Business Education Study Program, new students from the class of 2020, and students of the 2017, 2018, and 2019 Business Education Study Program.
The agenda for the Academic Ceremony began with the reading of the holy Qur’an, singing the Indonesia Raya anthem, remarks from the chief executive, remarks from the dean of FPEB as well as opening the AC event, prayer readings, introduction to study programs, lecturers, and business education academics by Dr. Puspo Dirgantari, S.Pd., MT., MM (Head of Study Program), as well as lectures on the lecture system at UPI by Masharyono, AP., S.Pd., MM (student adviser), then there was ice breaking in the form of a quiz to play kahoot, and at continue again with an introduction to the business education study program or BESA which was conveyed by the president director and president commissioner, an introduction to the bexp flow, introduction to mentors by the person in charge of the mentor division, questions and answers, then ended with a quiz again related to the association through the kahoot application . Although overall the event has been carried out well, it does not guarantee that during the implementation there will be no problems because in fact there are several problems that arise before the activity and when the activity is running, including at the time of the activity, some performers find it difficult to contacted for one reason or another, attendance for participants was not distributed at the right time, and during the activity, many of the participants did not comply with the provisions that had been made, namely changing the predetermined backdrop, not turning on the camera during the activity, and there are some new students who do not fill in the presence link. However, the event can take place properly.
And the essence of this Academic Ceremony activity is the introduction of lecturers in the Business Education Study Program, so that when they start lectures, new students will feel familiar with their lecturers, because in this activity they have been introduced. Next is to provide information related to the lecture system at the University in the use of SIAK, SPOT, SINO and SPADA, which will indeed be used as long as they are registered as students at the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. And finally, an introduction to the business education study program set, and an introduction to the regeneration flow that will be carried out by new students in the near future.
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