Standard 6: Learning Resources & Student Support

Material resources

The smallest entity in financial management at UPI is the faculty. The study Ppogram plays a role in providing data on the implementation of activities. Funding for activities in the study program comes from the University which is managed by the faculty. Study program funding is designed and allocated through the Annual Budget Work Plan. The tuition fees for the undergraduate study program are between Rp 1.000.000 – Rp 6.200.000 and Rp 8,550,000 for the graduate program. There are various scholarship schemes that students can apply for, among others are the Bank Indonesia scholarship, the Beasiswa Unggulan from the Ministry of Education and Culture, and scholarship from the West Java Province. Meanwhile, at the graduate level, students receive scholarships from the LPDP, BUDI, and BPPDN. In the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic, the study program provides exemption for students tuition fees. Students who receive the Bidik Misi scholarship scheme are free of tuition fees.

Each study program has the following facilities, namely: 4 classrooms, 1 library room managed by study programs, court rooms, and 1 laboratory room. Especially for the Postgraduate Program in Economic Education, the lecture building uses the Graduate School building. Other facilities that can be accessed at the faculty level are computer laboratories, microteaching laboratories, sharia banking laboratories, smart classrooms, sharia investment galleries, and digital business laboratories. The facilities that can be accessed at the university level include; 1) university library, 2) sports facilities, consisting of a gymnasium, softball field, soccer field, sports hall and swimming pool, 3) other facilities consisting of the Islamic Tutorial Center, Language Center, Polyclinic, Cafeteria, Korean Corner, and Bank Indonesia Corner.

UPI provides sufficient facilities including for students with special needs to achieve the learning outcome. Among them are elevators and guiding blocks that make it easier for students with disabilities to do activities on campus. Meanwhile, to meet academic needs, each classroom is equipped with adequate facilities and an internal Learning Management System, namely SPOT and SPADA. During the pandemic, the use of learning facilities mostly uses non- physical facilities.

Building management and maintenance activities are based on the Rector’s Regulation Number 0058/un40/hk/2018 on UPI Property Management where maintenance of assets and facilities are needed to ensure academic activity services can take place properly and optimally. Maintenance of all study programs and faculties are carried out routinely by cleaning officers under the auspices of the UPI Infrastructure and Facilities Bureau. The task of the Bureau of Facilities and Infrastructure is to carry out and coordinate administrative services for facilities and infrastructure which can be accessed through

The availability of material resources required for the implementation of activities in the study program is obtained through the process of submitting needs to the Faculty. This process follows the budget allocation plan that has been designed by the study program in accordance with the Rector’s Regulation Number 0054 of 2020.

The availability of literature in the learning and learning process is supported by library facilities, both at the study program and university levels. The services available in the library include repositories, e-journals and e-books, as well as the UPI library catalog. The service can be accessed through

Guidance and support

Students obtain relevant information about FPEB through The faculty website at which integrates information about all study programs in FPEB. Moreover, students can also access the information directly on the study programs’ websites. Information on FPEB can also be accessed via social media such as Facebook and Instagram @fpebupi.

Table 1. Websites of Study Programs of the Economics and Business Education Cluster


Study Programs



Economics Education



Economics Education



Accounting Education



Business Education



Islamic Economics and Finance



Accounting (Undergraduate)

In addition, students also get information on the University, the Faculty, and the study programs such as the academic culture of the study program, introduction to study program lecturers and staff, and students’ code of ethics during the new students orientation program. The orientation program also provides students with information on the curriculum, learning programs, and the target achievement of graduation that students must take while studying in the study program.

Students also obtain advisory services facilitated by academic supervisors/advisors, who provide guidance or information related to the students’ study process. The guidance process is carried out regularly, at least twice in a semester, through face-to-face meetings or through the SIAK information system: Moreover, students can also contact their academic supervisor/advisor outside of the regular schedule should they need it.

The University also provides a special counseling service unit, called the university counseling service, to help students who have personal, social, or academic issues or problems. The service is available at the University Center Building 2nd floor of the University of Education of Indonesia Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi 229 Bandung (40154). It is also accessible by telephone: 022-2019472 or by email: cdc[at] Moreover, to support students with special needs, the university provides a Guidance, Counseling and Career Development unit.

For international students studying at UPI, supports are provided through DIA, which provides supports to International students regarding, among others, admission, scholarships, visas, stay permit, as well as other relevant assistance. Meanwhile, for the student exchange programs, the study programs collaborate with other universities in Indonesia. Moreover, the programs are facilitated by the Directorate of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture through the Permata Sakti and the MBKM programs.